More Busy-Toy Tips

This is a great video I found online about the value of keeping your dog busy and having them “work” for their food. We had several customers today who have merely been using Peanut Butter and that is all! There are literally endless options* for stuffing Kong and Canine Genius Toys. Enjoy!

*We advise against the use of processed meats for stuffing options as they are often cured with dangerous preservatives and are much too high in sodium.  Stick to basic meats like, chicken breast and low fat, boiled hamburg.  

Here is a helpful diagram for Kong Stuffing technique.  These same ideas can be applied to Canine Genius Toys and TreatStiks…


Stuff it!

Stuff it!



Coming soon to the Biscuit





This is a totally different shape than the Leo and is a bit more challenging.  This toy can be linked with the Leo(s) your dog already has.  Linking the Genius toys makes them more exciting as the treats you put inside can travel from Mike to Leo and back again!  Linking also makes the toys heavier so a dog (ahem, Orli) can’t just fling them violently into the wall to knock the snacks out.  They shipped from California today, so we will post on the blog and on Facebook when the Mikes arrive.  You know you want one.  Wait, I mean your dog wants one…yeah!


  1. Ashley and Prudence said

    My days of simple peanut butter stuffing are over 🙂

  2. Hannah said

    Hahaha, oh, Orli! My husky does the same hurl-and-drop method to shake all the dry stuff out. I like the diagram though and will definitely be following that! Making things stickier should make a bigger challenge for her!

  3. Angelica said

    Leo likes cream cheese and peanut butter but I usually use dry Orijen. He tends to get bored with it and leave it. He doesn’t believe in working for his food and has zero hunting instinct. After finding a kong under the couch half filled with green fuzzy cream cheese I decided anything that spoils quickly is a bad idea.

    Leo also gets on the couch and hurls his too the floor to empty it quicker. He’s just as happy chewing on an empty kong or hurling it at a cats head.

  4. Ginger and Henry said

    You would be proud of Henry – he has learned to use the Leo and can actually empty it now! Genius boy. Ginger has no problems with it, of course, and I think we’re going to upgrade her to the Mike – it would be nice to have 2, since whoever doesn’t have the toy at any given time is usually laying in the corner glaring evilly at the one who does have it. Could you save one for us when they come in?

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